
Learning About Music and String Instruments

About Me

Learning About Music and String Instruments

Hi there, my name is Marcia. I play music with my friends and church group whenever I can. I play string instruments, such as the violin, cello and bass. I will use this site to talk about different instrument types and playing techniques. I will talk about reading music and creating your own pieces. I will also share information about the way I care for my instruments between play sessions. Please visit my site often to learn more about music and string instruments. Thanks for coming by. I hope to see you again soon.

Voice-Over Recording: 4 Tips for Keeping Your Voice Healthy and Performance Ready

Some people spend countless hours at the local gym or pounding their feet against the pavement at the park in order to keep their bodies fit. Aside from keeping themselves healthy, they may be doing this because their body is what keeps them in a job. If your job has to do with your voice, shouldn't you take steps to ensure your voice stays healthy? Here are a few things that you can do to keep your voice in tip-top shape so that when you get an invitation for your next voice-over casting call, your voice will be prepared:

1. Don't Smoke or Stop Now!

If you don't smoke, then it isn't a habit to take up if you plan to make a career with your voice. If you do smoke, then you need to stop right now. Not only can smoking cause lung cancer, but it can cause vocal cord cancer. Smoking can cause permanent damage to your vocal cords, which can lead to significant vocal changes. While the damage may not be immediate, it will take its toll over time and eventually cost you an audition.

2. Stay Hydrated.

The next best thing you can do as a vocalist is ensure you are staying properly hydrated. The water that you drink doesn't directly go to the vocal cords, but it does go into your bloodstream. This is how it eventually makes it to your cords, according to Live Strong.

3. Eat the Right Foods.

In addition to hydration, Live Strong says that there are certain foods you should eat and ones that you should avoid. Ultimately, cold beverages can cause your throat and voice to contract and stiffen, so they need to be avoided whenever possible. You will want to opt for foods high in vitamins A, C, and E, as these will help to maintain healthy mucus membranes. Foods that are suggested include whole grains, fruit, vegetables, fish, and chicken. Salty foods and spicy foods are also no good for your voice since they can dry out your throat. Since dairy products can often cause mucus production in excess, they should be avoided as well.

4. Use a Humidifier.

In order to be able to produce the best possible sounds with the right amount of vibration, your vocal cords need to be well lubricated. While you can drink plenty of water, if the air in your home is excessively dry, then the water won't do a whole lot of good. A humidifier in the home will help keep the air moist, which will help you maintain your voice.

If you're planning to prepare a demo in a voice-over recording studio in the near future, start following the aforementioned advice immediately. If you plan to continue in this sector, make sure that these tips are followed regularly so that your voice is always performance-ready. After all, you never know when that phone will ring with an invitation to audition, and you have to be ready for it.