Opportunities That You May Have To Loan Out One Of Your Vintage Instruments
There are some people who build collections solely with the goal of enjoying the items themselves, but other individuals believe that collections are always worth sharing. The latter sentiment can be true with a variety of different collections, including a vintage guitar collection. If you own a number of vintage instruments, you don't need to keep them to yourself all of the time. Rather, there may be opportunities for you to loan out one or more instruments to other fellow guitar enthusiasts. Of course, you'll need to be discerning about each situation, but here are some opportunities that may present themselves.
To A Recording Artist
Recording artists love to get their hands on vintage instruments. The warm sound that vintage guitars provide, as well as the energy and inspiration that they seem to create as you hold them, can make vintage instruments popular for recording sessions. Unfortunately, not every musician has the budget to afford high-end vintage guitars, so many will look to borrow certain instruments from local collections. If you were to loan one of your guitars to someone going to the studio, you might have a chance to watch the session from inside the studio, and you may get your name mentioned in the "Thank You" section of the album's liner notes.
To A Museum
Museums own many of the items in their exhibits, but they also borrow items from collectors for certain periods of time. If you own a vintage guitar that is exceedingly rare or that has a particularly unique story associated with it, there might be an opportunity for you to loan the instrument to a museum. Generally, the exhibit will feature a small sign that recognizes you by name and thanks you for your generosity. It can be a thrill to visit the museum and see one of your instruments on display for the public.
To An Author
You might occasionally hear from an author who is looking to write a book about vintage instruments and perhaps wants to photograph your instrument for inclusion in the book. This can be an ideal opportunity to loan out your instrument, as it will be for the short term, and you'll end up being able to get your hands on a book that not only tells the story of the guitar but also has studio-quality photos of it. Each of these opportunities is unique but can serve as a fun way to share your vintage instrument with others.