
Learning About Music and String Instruments

About Me

Learning About Music and String Instruments

Hi there, my name is Marcia. I play music with my friends and church group whenever I can. I play string instruments, such as the violin, cello and bass. I will use this site to talk about different instrument types and playing techniques. I will talk about reading music and creating your own pieces. I will also share information about the way I care for my instruments between play sessions. Please visit my site often to learn more about music and string instruments. Thanks for coming by. I hope to see you again soon.

Preparing For A Song Recording Session

If you're going to a recording studio to record a song, you should consider figuring out all the details before going there. That way, you'll be fully prepared and get the most out of the experience, rather than having regrets. Recording a song is fun but complicated, and the more prepared you are for it, the better odds you have of making a hit. 

By answering the following questions, you will be on your way to a successful recording session: 

What Is the Purpose of the Song?

Are you recording a demo or trying to make a polished, radio-ready song? The process will be completely different based on your goals. If you just need a simple demo, you can get the entire thing done in a few hours, but recording a finished song takes quite a lot of time and help from a talented engineer—and possibly a producer.

How Many Performers Are There?

Are you a solo artist, or are you part of a group or a band? The studio will likely want to know ahead of time if they need to set up multiple microphones to allow you and your bandmates to record your parts simultaneously. The more information you can provide about the details of how you will be recording, the easier it will be for the studio staff. 

How Will You Create the Music Elements?

Are you going to record vocals over a pre-laid musical track, or will you be playing instruments? Setting up microphones for each instrument is a complicated process requiring a trained audio engineer's expertise. Setting up microphones and recording areas for each band member won't be out of the ordinary for a good studio, but the more you let them know ahead of time, the faster you can start recording during your session. 

Do You Require Any Specific Effects?

Does the song you're recording use any special effects integral to its sound? Some artists use auto-tuning, reverb, distortion, etc., to give a song a specific sound. If the song you're recording will require anything like that, you may want to try recording a very simple reference track at home before going to the studio so they know what sound you're trying to achieve. 

Will You Need an Engineer?

Are you capable of recording the song without assistance, or will you need help from an engineer? You wouldn't want to show up to the studio expecting them to provide an engineer, only to find out they don't provide one unless requested. If you need an engineer, let the studio know as soon as possible.

Contact a local recording studio to learn more about what to do during your song recording session.